How to Know which Variety to Grow
That is important to know...

The answer will be determined largely by where you live, and 
what you would like to have from your Moringa trees.

If you want to have 
your own seeds, FAST, then plant MY 

 While you will get 
larger leaves from 
"Stan's" tree, you 
will have to wait 
a few years to get 
the seed pods, like 

In Florida, where 
we are, the pods come to maturity 
fast - sometimes 
within 8 months 
after planting our 

The seeds that grow 
into MY trees, the 
Moringa Stenopetala, 
are very different 
from the seeds that 
grow into "Morey's" 
tree, the Moringa Oleifera. See? 

Mine are on the right, and the Moringa Oleifera seeds are on the left. Our leaves are quite different, too. Mine are larger, but I am slower to 
"grow up"!
I Love Moringa
the fast-growing, nutritious, delicious gift from God
This page was last updated: September 4, 2022
At the present, we grow two types of Moringa trees. 

There are other varieties of Moringa you can grow, but right now, we are concentrating on the most common one - Moringa Oleifera, and the African Moringa - Moringa Stenopetala

The Moringa Oleifera will develop pods in warm, tropical climates  within about 8 months. The Moringa Stenopetala will give you lots and lots of larger leaves to eat, but it will be a few years before 
you can have Moringa Stenopetala seeds, from your own trees.

Of the two, Moringa Oleifera seems to handle the cold weather better; at least, for us, it does. The leaves will fall off when the temperatures drop, and the trees appear to be dead, but when 
the weather warms up a bit, they come right back!

The Moringa Stenopetala trees do not seem to recover as well, from cold weather. Ours took a long time to come back, as in a 
few months longer than the Moringa Oleiferas did, but most of them are thriving again. 

If you are not able to grow Moringa, due to the climate in your 
area, you can still enjoy the benefits of Moringa, by adding 
Moringa Leaf Powder to your diet! Ours is organically grown, 
and made from 100% dried Moringa leaves - no chemicals or pesticides, and no additives!
 If you are at all able to grow Moringa outside, even as an annual, you will not be disappointed!
Moringa Stenopetala 
Click on photo to enlarge
Moringa Oleifera 
Click on photo to enlarge
More About --- Moringa 
"Hi! I'm Stan, the 
Moringa Stenopetala 
Seed! I am also
 called the African Moringa seed! I don't look like Morey!"
"Hi! I'm Morey, the Moringa Oleifera 
Seed!Wait until you 
read all about the 
plant I become!"
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