Moringa trees are very resilient. What they DO NOT like, is cold weather. They are said to lose all of their leaves when the temperatures drop down below 60 degrees, average. Ours did not, until we
had some weather that dipped down into the high 20 degree range. Then, they did. Prior to that,
they lived through the winter here in Florida with temperatures in the mid-30's and 40's - BUT - we
ran sprinklers on them several times a day, 5 minutes at a time, and strung large, white Christmas
tree lights around them, and between the rows. They made it!
The plant forms ovate leaves that are a beautiful shade of green. They have clusters of hundreds of creamy-white flowers, and eventually - pods. For a fast-growing tree that enhances your landscape and provides excellent nutrition - Moringa just can't be beaten.
In Florida, you used to be able to get seedlings from Top Tropicals and Master Gardener Landscaping. They both used to carry them. Check with them. You can also get seedlings from Moringa Farms, in California. Check with them, as we are not sure they have them year-round.
If you live in a warm climate, you can order Moringa seeds, from us, and grow Moringa yourself. The seeds sprout rapidly, and in some areas of the southern United States, you can even harvest pods from the Moringa Oleifera trees, your first year! The Moringa Stenopetala trees will not grow pods for several years, so if you want to plant more Moringa trees, from your own seeds, opt for the Moringa Oleifera seeds. If you only want lots of leaves, get the Moringa Stenopetala seeds.
For those who live in areas where the ground freezes in the winter, Moringas can be grown in large pots, and brought indoors where it is warm - OR - you can ask to "winter" them in a local greenhouse.
"Where there is a will, there is a way", as the old saying goes! See our "How-To Grow Moringa in Cold Climates" link, near the bottom of the "How-To" links to the right >>>>>